RENEX Group has announced the introduction of a new free consultancy service for the handling and detailed data analysis of the soldering paste printing process.
It is commonly estimated that about two thirds of the defects that occur during the production of PCBs are caused by errors in the soldering paste printing process. In response, the RENEX Group is introducing a novelty on the market – a completely free consultancy service for professional preparation of the entire solder paste printing process.
A fully free, comprehensive service – including the elements discussed below – will be provided by RENEX specialists on site – in the production areas of interested companies. It will include full preparation of the entire soldering paste printing process. The application engineer performing the service will help to properly profile the soldering oven for a given type of paste and will present the most important parameters in the paste printing process and printer settings. The innovative service will also include a free, detailed X-ray inspection analysis and all activities will be based on products and devices of the world’s top brands – SolderStar, Indium and SEC.
The free of charge service will be complemented by a detailed X-ray inspection report of the tests performed and a graphical report of soldering profiles. In addition, interested parties will be provided with materials – pastes allowing to further improve the process on their own.
This completely new service will allow many companies to reduce unnecessary costs resulting from printing errors in soldering paste. By making the knowledge and experience developed by our company available free of charge, we want to support our partners in this difficult time. We believe that such actions will allow us to minimize the negative effects of the crisis and restore the whole industry as soon as possible. The service is part of our mission to support the development of the electronic industry. We encourage everyone to take advantage – and in a simple, free of charge way to increase the profitability of their production. Marzena Szczotkowska-Topić and Predrag Topić – owners of RENEX Group – commented.

The new service is part of a wide range of training and consulting services in the field of production process automation provided by the RENEX Group as part of the RENEX TECHNOLOGY AND TRAINING CENTRE. If you are interested, please contact RENEX Group Technical and Commercial Advisors –